Welcome to OpenAPRS.de
OpenAPRS.de is an easy-to-use real-time map with CWOP and APRS data from CBAPRS, Europe's largest network for indipendent APRS applications.
Please note that our server by default does not offer access to APRS services in the amateur radio sector. The OpenAPRS.de platform is primarily made for and used by CB and PMR446 hobbyists. However, we as the operators are not responsible of any incorrect configurations on your side – please check them before connecting to our server.

This website is based on the APRS Track Direct tools. Read more about APRS Track Direct here or go directly to GitHub. In addition to a map with fast APRS data updates, APRS Track direct also provides related functions such as Latest heard and Station search etc.
To work APRS via our server (e.g. on a smartphone via APRS TX or APRSdroid), please use openaprs.de as URL and either port 14580 (Client-Defined Filters) or 10152 (Full Feed).
What is APRS?
APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) is a digital communications system that uses packet radio to send real time tactical information on radio frequencies. The APRS network is primarily used by radio amateurs all over the world. Information shared over the APRS network is for example coordinates, altitude, speed, heading, text messages, alerts, announcements, bulletins and weather data. APRS has been developed by Bob Bruninga, callsign WB4APR (SK). More information about APRS can be found at www.aprs.org or at wikipedia.
How can I participate?
To transmit CBAPRS data, you need either a compatible radio or a corresponding app for your smartphone (e.g. APRS TX for iOS or APRSdroid for Android). For more information, please refer to our FAQ.